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Finding a balance between your online and offline life is hard. As someone who works in social media, I am chronically online consuming and posting content. Not to mention, I love keeping up with long-distance friends and reading the news. 

You have a limitless amount of content at your fingertips. What can be a helpful tool to stay in touch or educate yourself, can quickly become an overwhelming time-suck. 

If you’re not careful, your screen time can completely consume you.

To live a full and present life, we must give ourselves intentional breaks from staying constantly connected through our devices. The freedom of leaving your house unplugged is unmatched. 

Like many of us, I turn to nature to disconnect from technology and connect to my environment and myself. Spending time outside helps me instantly relax. I admire how expansive the natural world is, and it eases my busy mind. What better way to enjoy your surroundings and relax outside than with a portable hammock?

These are my favorite ways to enjoy an afternoon hammock sesh, tech-free. 

A girl journals while resting in an ENO SingleNest Hammock

1. Journal 

I have been keeping a journal since the third grade. It's an excellent release when I need to get an anxious thought out of my head or record a memory.

But journaling, in the traditional sense, isn’t for everybody. It doesn’t become a habit if you have to ‘force’ yourself to write. 

The good news is, you can shape it to be anything you want it to be. Some ideas could be writing lists of your favorite songs, meals, or travel destinations. Simply record what you're grateful for, or things that delighted you that day. 

You don’t have to pour your soul onto the page, just let your mind wander and see where it takes you. 

2. Make Art

Lately, I’ve been embracing more things that make me feel joy like a kid again. As a young girl, I loved art class and filled my time with coloring, molding clay, taking pictures, and collaging. For your next hammock hang, consider bringing some simple art supplies. 

This could be anything from a coloring book, your latest crochet project, or even just a scrap envelope and a pen to doodle. 

I find a change of scenery sparks new ideas and creativity. When spending time in my ENO hammock, I often slip into my flow state. Suddenly, 4 hours flew by. 

 A woman uses binoculars while sitting in her ENO TravelNest Hammock and Straps Combo

3. Bird Watch

What do ENO hammocks and birds have in common? They both like trees. 

The ENO TravelNest Hammock and Straps Combo becomes your nest to observe your feathered friends. Thrift a pair of binoculars and a bird-id book, and you’re set for the afternoon. 

4. Read

Reading is one of the most reliable ways to transport yourself away from reality. If you’re trying to disconnect, reading will take you there.

Try reading physical books over e-readers. I love the smell of the pages, the satisfaction of seeing your progress, and utilizing my local library.

Pro tip: the most comfortable way to read in a hammock is by sitting perpendicular to the hammock body, creating a hammock chair. Your head is supported by the fabric, and you don’t have to hold the book above your head. Settle in and crush some pages! 

A man rests in his SkyLoft Hammock

5. Meditate or Nap

I’m telling you, outdoor naps hit differently. The soft breeze, the bird songs, and the sway of the hammock will rock you to sleep. 

If you're looking for the best hammock to nap in, the ENO SkyLoft Hammock is our pick. This spreader-bar hammock provides a flat lay and is designed with two modes: relax and sleep. 

If you’re not a nap person, hammocks become the perfect place for meditating. Calm your mind, steady your breath, and give yourself space for a 20-minute meditation. 

What sensations do you notice when your eyes are closed? Do you hear the leaves rustle in the wind or kids playing off in the distance? What does the sun feel like on your skin? Take time to get out of your mind and into your body.


It can be hard to break out of habits and try new solutions. Chances are, you may not be good at first, but you don’t have to be good at something to enjoy it. This is your permission to journal silly thoughts, make bad art, and imperfectly meditate just because it’s fun. 

Author Bio

Sarah has been ENO’s Digital Content Producer for the past 4 years. When she’s not hanging out in her Marine/Gold DoubleNest Hammock, you can find her cuddling her black cat, experimenting with a new artistic craft, or hosting a game night with friends.

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