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Year in Review - Our favorite Photo Contest entries from 2022

You shared moments of joy, rest, and quality time together with your photo contest submissions throughout the year. Thank you to all who participated. Your photos and meaningful stories warmed our hearts and brought massive grins to our faces. We gathered our favorite entries and hope they bring you a slice of peace to wrap up this year.

A person sits in an ENO hammock in front of a lake watching the sunset.

Pamela Thorsell— I love gathering with my friends at a local lake. We all put up our ENOs lakeside, kayak, and cook hot dogs and s’mores around the campfire while reconnecting with each other. Then we settle in our ENO hammocks for the “Golden Hour” to say goodnight to another beautiful day. We each snuggle in our ENO hammocks to chat and drift off to sleep while listening to the waves and birds. Life doesn’t get any better and it all started with our ENO purchases.


A woman sits in hammock put up between two posts in front of a cabin.

Victoria Reeves— My husband and I got engaged before Covid. With the craziness of the last couple of years, and starting a new business, we finally said I do, nearly 3 years later, on September 22, 2022. Time and finances have been slim the past few years, but we were so grateful to share an intimate ceremony with close friends and family. Maybe someday we will take a dream honeymoon, but for now, with the busyness of our lives, being able to sneak away for a mini-moon was perfect enough for us. POV: My husband, outside of our small cabin in the woods, in one of our favorite cities, Traverse City, Michigan, observing his new bride, perfectly relaxed, coffee (or maybe wine) in hand, soaking in the fresh cool air & beautiful colors, in our DoubleNest hammock- the perfect getaway.


Two boys sit in an ENO hammock together in the backyard.

Summer Burdyl— These guys are second-generation owners of our ENOs! My parents gave my boyfriend (now husband of 10 years) the hammock for Christmas when we were dating 12 years ago! This hammock has been on lots of adventures camping and various travel trips to the NC mountains. They’ve not only held up my big mom-butt, but through the rough and tough play with our 5 and almost 2-year-old boys. We’re so in love with our hammocks and their incredible comfort and durability. 


Two people sit in chairs in the creek together and fish, while posing for a selfie.

Terrie Keplinger— My guy, my hero, and my lifesaver! I have recently been diagnosed with a rare disease that almost killed me & has changed my life forever. This man, from the moment I got sick, has kept me true to myself by taking me anywhere and everywhere I want to go. From the Nolichucky River just down the road (the picture of us) to Oregon and everywhere in between. My ENO Lounger SL chair and hammock go with me everywhere so I can sit down and still be able to do the things that I love to do. Thank you for allowing me to share I wouldn’t be here without him and I couldn’t do the things that I love to do without ENO thank you from the bottom of my oversized heart.


A person and a dog lay in a hammock together with a cup of coffee and a blanket.

Brittney Holland— During my old pup’s final months, his body grew tired, but his mind remained alert. Thankfully, I set up my ENO Sub7 hammock on the back porch so we could continue to spend quality, outdoor time together. Simon spent many hours beside my hammock, watching birds and squirrels and rabbits… and I watched Simon savor every precious moment. Thanks for the memories, ENO.


A view from below of two people hammocking together in their backyard.

Dan McCabe— This is the good life. We couldn't be happier than when we are enjoying each other and nature, floating in our ENO DoubleNest hammocks! Protected from sun, rain, and critters, ENO DoubleNest hammocks are our home away from home. 


A person sits in an ENO hammock with their arms behind their head relaxing.

Emma Summers— Memorial Day weekend marks our group’s annual trip to Moab. We arrived after dark and set up camp, with intention of hiking and mountain biking the next day. The baking desert heat and high wind gusts blowing around the sand woke us up early the next morning. The group ate breakfast and got ready to go for the day’s activities. The girls strapped on boots for a hike, and the boys packed up mountain bikes for a 10-mile ride through the winding trails of the Sand Flats. Shortly after dropping off the bikers, we received a call - we needed to go to the emergency room. One of the guys had clipped a tree. The group head down the road and drove the 40-minute trip as fast as we could to the hospital. After spending the next few hours waiting, we were relieved to find out that the only thing that was broken was a finger. Although this put a damper on the trip, we were lucky that the injury wasn’t worse. Once the chaos settled down, the group head back to the campsite. Our plans for the day were put on hold, so the only option was to settle in. The sun was not forgiving that afternoon. To escape the heat, we set up our ENO hammock between two Juniper trees, with the leaves offering some relief from the sun. We spent the afternoon swaying away in our ENO hammock, drink in hand, and looking forward to the next day with a new set of activities planned. As we drifted in and out, we had high hopes for the rest of the weekend with our friends, and fingers crossed no more broken fingers.


An ENO hammock camping setup sits along a lake with the sun bursting from the corner of the frame.

Jonathan Wheeler— Hammock camping is amazing if you remember to... 1) Keep in mind the necessity of insulation. Having an ENO UnderQuilt, good rated R-value sleeping pad, or closed cell pad can make the world of difference in comfort when sleeping in a hammock. 2) Bring Paracord. You can hang things to dry, alternate openings for your ENO HouseFly (the tarp seen in this photo), and even give yourself a location to hang your headlamp to illuminate your sleeping area like a ceiling light when you turn in. 3) In those warmer months, don't forget to bring your ENO Guardian Bug Net (as seen in this photo). It is highly recommended to keep the ticks, mosquitos, and other insects off of you while you sleep or chill out. 4) Find an awesome spot and relax. It's the whole point of hanging in a hammock.


A boy lays in his hammock with his arms and legs spread out.

Emma Powell Chase has autism but that doesn’t stop our camping and outdoor adventures. He needs sensory release and our ENO hammock couldn’t be a better option. The soft feel of the fabric is a bonus to the weightless swing he gets when in it. It’s a DoubleNest, so we can get in together! We are attempting to become South Carolina Ultimate Outsiders by visiting all 47 state parks.


 A woman and her dog sit in their hammock together with a tent in the background.

Nicole Winters—  The last year, I’ve really leaned into how much I love being outside and exploring new places. My all-time favorite pastimes lately are days spent at the beach, camping, climbing, and generally to get out and experiencing new beautiful spaces. I never feel more jazzed about life then when I’m fully immersed in nature, whether I’m baking in the sun, bathing in the ocean, a river or hot spring, or exploring a new trail. I’ve got an incessant travel itch, and recently converted my RAV4 so I can kinda just roll up and camp anywhere, so I’m looking forward to a year full of as many camping, climbing, and beach trips as I can fit into it.


A cat with one eye sits in a DoubleNest hammock outside.

Rebecca Terry— This is Mushroom, she is one of my nature-loving adventure cats. We’ve been on a few hikes and this was our first time enjoying an ENO hammock. It was also my first time putting one up myself, so it feels a little extra special. We enjoyed the sunshine along with a great view provided by Cherokee Rock Village in Leesburg, AL. Nothing better than spring weather coming in and being able to enjoy it with the ones you love!


A woman lays in her hammock with a thermos next to her partner holding a camera and a dog running on the beach.

Jennifer Blauvelt— We paddled out to a little island and camped there. That next morning is one of my most favorite memories. The dogs played on the beach while I drank coffee in my favorite ENO hammock and Justin took photos of the sunrise. Everyone was full of joy. It was so simple and so perfect.


A man lays in a hammock reading between two palm trees, enjoying retirement.

Tim Martz— I've had hammocks for 30 years, last 10 years strictly ENOs, and have dreamed of a place and time like this - immersed in reading, then a nap in my hammock between coconut palm trees along the beach - pure delight! I finally realized my dream in retirement trip this year to San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize


A long exposure shows a ghostly man walking through his campsite at night.

Danny Hollenbeck— I found this amazing campsite off the highway in Des Arc, Arkansas. It had a lake and primitive camping. I live full time out of my Toyota Tacoma. I have been sleeping in my hammock for 3 months while I was up New York visiting my daughters. I was on my way back to Texas. So this campsite was a lucky find. I have been driving straight for two days. My hammock lets me get some solid sleep every night.


A man and his dog lay together in an ENO hammock.

Timmy Turner— I moved to rural North Carolina a couple of years ago in the middle of the pandemic. From Minnesota. And while it was exciting to be in a new part of the country, I was a bit worried that I wouldn’t find enough to do in a town of 3,400 people (mostly peanut farmers). New friends, new pups, and a new job (Surf, Wind, And Fire in Edenton, NC!) quickly proved me wrong. And while I still love traveling and camping and finding new places to explore, my favorite place to relax is between two pines in my front yard (with a pup) in Bertie County, NC.


A woman sits in an ENO hammock and looks out at a mountain view.

Kathleen Pablo— This visit to Washington was extra special because this marked the time my sis had a life-changing decision to move from California to Washington. Helping her move was very stressful, so this day was spent relaxing and enjoying nature with our ENO hammock after a long week of driving from California.


A man lays in an ENO hammock and rests his eyes, with a beach and a boardwalk in the distance.

Jeffery Adler— On warm days with no wind, it’s deceptively easy to fall asleep inside my hammock. I remember one day my friend Connor and I were hammocking on the beach in Isla Vista— and he drifted to sleep soon after we set them up. 15 minutes later, he jolted awake and said something about a midterm, then bolted. Only later did I learn he almost slept through an important test.


Two young girls sit in a hammock together and look out at a field.

Kara Lapierre— The best part of hammocking is spending time with the girls. I set it up and they come running. Sometimes we relax and snuggle up. And other times I will swing them till they get giggling. This picture sums it up - quality time spent outside!


A man lays in an ENO hammock surrounded by fog and winter weather in the woods.

Justin Hamilton— Me and a few friends decided to take an 8-mile hike in the fog and sleet to an overlook that could possibly be able to clouds and give us a gorgeous view. Sadly that did not happen, so we decided to spend our time chilling in our hammocks and spending time with each other. Turned out to be an awesome day!


A woman sits in a hammock surrounded by her two golden retrievers.

Joe Huber— A girl and her goldens enjoying a beautiful fall afternoon at camp. We’ve had this DoubleNest LED hammock for years and it’s traveled the country with us. My amazing wife Maria, and our goldens, Aspen and Denali.


A kid poses for a photo while laying in an ENO hammock in a tropical setting.

Angela Roman— We were in Maui this past week celebrating my parent's 50th anniversary! I set this hammock up for my niece on National Relaxation Day. She normally has high amounts of energy so it’s difficult for her to slow down and relax. This was one of the first times I’ve seen her truly relax and enjoy her moment of tranquility.


A woman sits in an ENO Hammock Print in a lush green forest.

Mary Schaefer— Peace is an aspect every person longs for - to have sheer bliss. To have a carefree, easy, stress-free life. While personally living in a concrete jungle, surrounded by constant hustle and bustle of the world, I feel the most peace when I just sit and connect in nature. Connect with the trees, the wind, and the sunshine. The distractions of the modern world seem to just vanish - I am present.

Share your stories

Want to share your ENO stories? Our Photo Contest is paused for the winter, but be on the lookout for our contest in 2023. In the meantime, you can share your images with mail@enonation.com or tag us @enohammocks on Instagram. We love seeing your ENOs in action.  

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